Modern Slavery Statement

Our Commitment

The Society of London Theatre (SOLT) & UK Theatre are committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the abolition of modern slavery and human trafficking. We voluntarily publish this statement to reflect our values and our responsibility to tackle modern slavery risks within our operations.

Risk Assessment

Given the size and nature of our businesses, we assess the risk of modern slavery to be low. Our evaluation considers our business model, the geographical scope of our operations, and the nature of our supply chains.

Employment Practices

As equal opportunity employers, we are dedicated to creating and maintaining a non-discriminatory and respectful workplace. Our CEO’s open-door policy and Whistleblowing Policy enables staff to report any concerns without fear of reprisal. Our recruitment and management processes ensure all employees are legally entitled to work in the UK, with salaries transparently stated and above the London Living Wage.

Supply Chain Management

We do not knowingly engage with any organisation involved in slavery, servitude, forced, or compulsory labour. Our supply chain contracts include clauses on modern slavery and anti-bribery, and we are committed to incorporating these elements more robustly in future contracts.

Future Plans

We recognise the need for continuous improvement in building staff awareness and enhancing supply chain due diligence. Our future efforts will focus on training, supplier vetting, and reviews of our practices to ensure they align with our commitment to combating modern slavery.

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