Introduction to T Levels
T Levels are the government’s flagship technical education programme, combining in-classroom learning with an industry placement. We held a webinar with the Department for Education to help members understand more about them. The webinar recording and slides are available to view.
Department for Education T Level resources
The DfE have launched a suite of resources to help employers understand, plan and host T Level industry placements.
List of Apprenticeships
We’ve pulled together a list of all apprenticeships that theatre employers could be using. These funded positions range from marketing roles, to technicians, to HR.
Understanding qualification levels
In England, qualifications are pitched at levels 1 to 8. Our guide shows what level different qualifications (e.g. T Levels) are, and how they might fit in a learning journey.
Discover! Creative Careers
Discover! Creative Careers is a one-stop-shop website bringing together careers information and opportunities from across the creative industries for young people, teachers, parents and guardians.
TheatreCraft is the UK’s largest free careers event for off stage theatre roles. It is aimed at anyone aged 16-30 interested in finding out more about how to pursue an […]
National College Creative Industries
The NCCI provides guidance to employers on hosting an apprentice, including an employer support pack, as well as information for both apprentice levy paying organisations and non-levy paying organisations.
The Big Bang Careers Fair
A 3 day careers event specifically for young people interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. We believe theatre employer attendance at this careers fair is a great opportunity to inspire young people who may not have thought of theatre as a natural career choice for their skillsets. SOLT and UK Theatre coordinate…
An employer’s guide to entry routes into the industry
There are a variety of training and employment routes into the theatre and performing arts workforce. These include apprenticeships, internships, work experience, volunteering and T Levels. This is a one page overview of the different entry routes (appropriate for employers in England only).
Theatre Workforce Review
A major research project into the makeup of the theatre and performing arts workforce and its current and future training needs, produced by Nordicity for SOLT & UK Theatre, working with Alistair Smith of The Stage.
A Manager’s Guide to Apprenticeships
Written for creative industry employers by Creative & Cultural Skills.
Our vision is to see a well-connected and well-supported theatre sector, one which is at the heart of UK life. One of the many ways we support the sector to achieve this is through research and analysis leading to resources, guidance and best practice.