Create Access
Create Access provides disability access and inclusion support for arts organisations, specialising in chronic illness, dynamic disability and neurodivergence. Instagram: @createaccess.uk
BEATS (British East Asians in Theatre and on Screen)
Advocates for British East & South East Asians working in the Screen & Stage Industries.
Graeae is a theatre company that places access at the heart of its work. As well as producing theatre, it also offers access training and consultancy to the sector.
Introduction to the Menopause training
Tonic Theatre’s training is for organisations that want to acquire a firm foundation of knowledge and awareness about the menopause. There’s a dedicated focus on the potential impacts in an arts working environment and the support mechanisms that can be put in place in response.
Creative Majority Report
An APPG for Creative Diversity report on ‘What Works’ to support, encourage and improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the creative sector.
All In
All In is a UK arts access scheme for D/deaf, disabled, and neurodivergent people.
Diversity & Inclusion
Our vision is to see a well-connected and well-supported theatre sector, one which is at the heart of UK life. One of the many ways we support the sector to achieve this is through research and analysis leading to resources, guidance and best practice.