Our Members

Our Members are London Theatre Producers, Managers, Owners and Operators.

To see the list of SOLT venues, please click here.

Members can view our Member Directory here.


We have a number of criteria that our members are required to meet, which is assessed by our Membership team and in turn submitted to the Board.

Once the Board has endorsed the Member, a ballot circulated to the entire membership for consideration.

If you wish to enquire about becoming a SOLT member, please contact members@soltukt.co.uk for further information.

SOLT Member Categories

An individual can belong to one of our six membership categories, with each type informing the way in which the member can operate.

Affiliate Members

A member who is a Senior Executive employed by a full member of UK Theatre and has a London postcode. Any organisation applying for SOLT Affiliate Membership should already be an Organisational Member of the UK Theatre Association.

Associate Members

Associate Membership, which is free of charge, is designed to support career progression for aspiring theatre leaders in London who would not be eligible for other categories of SOLT membership, and to provide experience and access to best working practices.

The aim of the new membership is to reflect a broader group of future theatre industry leaders in the early-mid-stages of their careers. SOLT are encouraging applications from groups who have historically been under-represented within their membership over the last 114 years, to ensure that the membership becomes more inclusive and representative of society in its broadest sense and reflects the people of London.

Applications are now closed. If you would like to be notified when the next round opens, please email members@soltukt.co.uk.

Deposit Members

Deposit members are often involved in producing or co-producing in London’s West End and are usually the directors of the company and not employees. They will be required to place deposits for London productions with The Theatre Council.

Full Members

A full member always begins as a Deposit member and can only apply for Full membership after depositing with The Theatre Council at least four times. They do not need to deposit for London productions with The Theatre Council (some exceptions apply).

Honorary Members

Our honorary members are individuals who have been recognised by the Board as having made a significant contribution to SOLT and the theatre industry.

Organisational Members

Organisational members are employees of our ‘recognised’ companies.

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